
How To Find Yourself In Christ

How to Find Yourself: The Christian Woman's Guide

For some it's simple. For many more, discovering who you are on a spiritual level can feel like a life-long tug-of-war. I know this feeling well. I lost myself in high school, attempted to copy myself in higher, and had a complete identity crisis in my early years of maternity. Discovering your true self; not just the summit layer just the core of who you are can be a claiming. If yous're reading this post, I'1000 assuming you lot have lots of questions.

If you're feeling lost and unsure about who you are this article will teach you how to detect yourself again.

If you're starting from scratch and have no idea who you are in terms of identity, this article volition walk you through how to connect with yourself spiritually.

We're also going to piece of work through some of the basics like:

  • What is spiritual self?
  • How to find your true self.
  • How do you connect with your spiritual side?
  • How to find yourself when yous're lost.

Just here's the kicker… we're going to take these questions and answer them co-ordinate to the only source of unfailing wisdom available to us; the Bible. I'yard challenging you right now to stick with me. Why? More than anything else at that place is hope and liberty that comes with knowing yourself equally the person God created and intended for you to be. It is the best way to notice yourself.

I'grand going to make a pretty bold statement. Ready for it? Our world is in an identity crisis. Nosotros don't know who we are, much less what nosotros were created for. Even the most spiritual among us struggle with knowing who they are outside of their piece of work. At that place's no shame in wondering, but at some point, you accept to cease wondering, put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and effigy information technology out. Hither's how you lot tin start.

For the Christian struggling to understand who they are and what they are called to. Get to know yourself and the life you were created for. @mrslotanner

How to Find Yourself Spiritually

Before we dig as well deep into this, I think it's really of import that we set up this accented foundation.

You. Have. A Maker.

For some people this realization is frustrating. It takes from the idea that people are sovereign and life is our design. Merely when you know Jesus, this truth is as peaceful and freeing as the cool cakewalk dancing on a warm summer twenty-four hour period. We take a Maker. He knit us together and He did it with intention and for a purpose.

I love how beautifully this is stated in the Bible.

For yous created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." I praise y'all because I am appallingly and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that total well.
Psalm 139:13

The only mode to know who y'all really are and what you lot were created for is to get to know the God who created you. Without this foundation, every hope you lot lean on volition mislead you.

I of the traps I fell into in higher was the idea that I needed to know who I was outside of my human relationship with God. Can yous relate? Maybe you're wondering how do I look deeper into myself? The truth is, the more you focus on creating your ain identity and finding answers inside yourself, the more lost yous will become. To acknowledge what you lot were created for, y'all must likewise acknowledge your Creator. If I endeavour to separate who I am spiritually from the rest of my existence, I will miss the identity marking every unmarried time, because who I am is completely wrapped upwardly in who God is. God is not but a fragment of our lives. He encompasses all of information technology. That is the change that takes identify in us when Jesus becomes our Lord. Paul delivers this same message in his letter to the new Christians in Ephesus. You can observe it in the Bible in Ephesians 4:21-24,

"If indeed you take heard Him and take been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that y'all put off, apropos your onetime comport, the old human being which grows decadent co-ordinate to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness."

To fully get to know yourself in light of who God created yous to be, you accept to be all in. That means recognizing our need for Him in every area of our lives. It as well ways beingness willing to see ourselves equally He sees usa.

What Does the Bible Say Virtually Self Discovery?

The idea that our identity is up to us is one that'due south sown into minds as young and as early equally Kindergarten. Ane of the commencement questions they ask our kids at kindergarten round-ups is, "what practise you desire to be when yous abound up?" Our answers may change over the years, simply I think it'south off-white to say a big part of our lives leading into adulthood is spent pursuing these aspirations; defining ourselves, "becoming" who we want to be. The truth is, who we are is non anchored in the jobs we accept or the things we attain just wholly in the God that we live for.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto practiced works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:x

Jesus was a carpenter. That occupation described a small-scale portion of His life, but His identity and purpose came from exterior of Himself. Even before He stepped into the role of teacher, disciple-maker, and Lord; He was given an identity that superseded every occupation He would have and financial or material contribution He would brand.

The same is truthful of you and me. It is not our occupation(due south) that gives us our identity; merely rather the God we serve. Our life is hidden in Him (see Colossians three:iii).

A lot of people employ the term "spiritual self" to depict the power or divinity within them. They spend their lives trying to manifest and discover this power. What separates Christianity from these other religions is that we aren't seeking a college-self or even college power. Nosotros're pursuing a relationship with the I sovereign God. We don't pursue because of the might that He has, simply because of the truth of who He is.

We are non seeking spirituality on our ain terms or identifying with spirituality the way nearly people would. Our focus is on who God is, who He says we are, and living a life that uplifts Him.

Who we are is anchored in the God we alive for; not the jobs nosotros have or the things we achieve. Click To Tweet

Finding Your Purpose As A Christian

Practice you know what I dear virtually our God-given identity? Nosotros tin habiliment this crown every day and however carry out every other task, passion, or assignment God has given us. There is no taking this crown off. From the moment nosotros say, "I exercise" to Jesus, this identity is ours.

Our work, our passions, the various roles we fill on a solar day to day footing; are God-appointed opportunities for us to walk in your God-ordained purpose. Those are opportunities for united states of america to put Ephesians 2:10 to work and accomplish the expert works He's called us to. Those positions and circumstances position the states to bear out The Great Commission (quoted below) in a real, personal, and tangible manner.

Jesus said,

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Educational activity them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, fifty-fifty unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:19-xx

How Practice I Develop Myself Spiritually?

In Christian circles, spiritual development is a term we use to describe growth in our relationship with God and understanding of Christian religion and principles. If you're a new Christian yous're probably wondering where to start your spiritual journey. The well-nigh important aspect of our faith is our relationship with Jesus. This is a relationship that is nurtured through disciplines like prayer (talking with and listening to God) and studying the Bible.

What'due south cool about studying the Bible is that equally you immerse yourself in its pages God will bear witness you more and more of Himself, His graphic symbol, and His love for y'all. In addition, He'll show you who you are in His eyes. Afterward that, there'south no going dorsum. That kind of love is incommunicable to match. When you go confident in God'southward dear for you it changes the way y'all see others and yourself. If you've ever struggled with how to dearest yourself knowing who you are in Christ and how deeply you are loved is one of the most freeing truths you'll run into. I know this from experience.

Disciplines That Help You Develop Spiritually

I mentioned how important prayer and studying the Bible are. If lists overwhelm you lot offset with those two disciplines. As you mature in faith your human relationship with God strengthens as well and naturally flows into these other disciplines. If you're someone who thrives with lists, beneath is a shortlist of spiritual disciplines that will assistance you develop a potent relationship with Jesus:

  1. Prayer. In simple terms, prayer a fashion of talking to and hearing from God. It's one of those things that you can only learn by actually doing. If y'all're new to prayer or have a express agreement of what prayer is, I highly recommend the book, A Adult female's Guide to Steadfast Prayer. It's a basic prayer guide that helps the everyday woman sympathise the purpose and power of prayer in their life.
  2. Bible Study. Whenever you're feeling lost, the Bible is the place to plough. It'll remind who God is, the truth about how much He loves y'all, and the identity He gives you equally a follower of Jesus. If Bible report is something you lot need aid with, we've got an entire page defended to helping women go starting with simple Bible study.
  3. Meditate On the Bible. This is something I want to be clear about. When I apply the word meditate, I am non talking about Easter religious practices or those associated with yoga. The goal of almost meditation practices is to "empty your mind." As a Christian, the goal of meditation is to fill it with the words of the Bible. To meditate means to consider. When we meditate on the Bible nosotros're considering it and the wisdom in information technology every bit nosotros go nigh our days. Because we live our lives based on the truth of the Bible, knowing the Bible and having it in our minds and hearts is not simply helpful in terms of comfort; it'south productive. Information technology keeps us making choices that we know God would be honored by.
  4. Fellowship. For some, this ways finding a local church building. For others, it means finding a life group (church at home – minor group style). Whatever the instance it's important to get together, worship, larn and pray with other Christians.
  5. Worship. Worship is the practice of acknowledging who God is, telling Him, and thanking Him for it in word, heart, and human activity. Sometimes this looks like worship songs. Other times this looks like prayer. It can fifty-fifty look similar serving others.
  6. Service. One of the means we prove God we love Him is by serving and taking intendance of the people that He loves. This is too the primary way people acquire about God'due south love. It's rare to find people who love God because they were scolded into it. Virtually people who determine to follow Jesus make that pick every bit a outcome of experiencing God's love. God's love changes everything.

If you lot're feeling lost, the best way to discover yourself is to gear up your eyes on Jesus.

If y'all're wrestling with how to dear yourself, the best place to kickoff is past exploring the depths of God'southward honey for you. He lays it all out for y'all in the Bible.

And if you're wondering how to start your human relationship with God, all it takes is an invitation. Ask Him to be the Lord of your life and to teach y'all what it means to be His, live for Him, and exist loved by Him.

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