| Updated Jun 26, 2020 (Published Mar 12, 2017)

The Consumer Cost Alphabetize (CPI) is an indicator that measures the average change in prices paid by consumers for a representative handbasket of appurtenances and services over a set menses. It is widely used as a measure of aggrandizement, together with the GDP deflator (see likewise Gross domestic product Deflator vs CPI). This allows economists and policymakers to depict the economical performance and guide macroeconomic policy. Calculating Consumer Price Index (and the inflation rate) follows a 4-step process: i) Fixing the marketplace basket, ii) calculating the basket's cost iii) calculating the index four) computing the inflation rate. Nosotros will expect at all four steps in more detail below.

1) Fixing the Market Basket

The CPI market basket represents all goods and services that are purchased for consumption past a specific reference population (due east.chiliad. the urban population within the The states). It includes items from more than 200 categories and viii major groups: Food and Beverages, Housing, Apparel, Transportation, Medical Care, Recreation, Education and Communication, and Other Goods And Services.

The basket is developed over a 2-twelvemonth period from surveys and diaries that collect detailed data from households (families and individuals) regarding their day-to-24-hour interval consumption expenses. In the US, about seven'000 families from around the country provide this data each quarter. In addition to that, some other 7'000 families list everything they buy in a diary for two weeks to collect information on often purchased items. This data is and then thoroughly analyzed to determine the weight and importance of the various items and categories in the basket. Although this approach has its shortcomings, it provides an authentic representation of a typical consumer inside the economy.

To give a simple example, let'south presume that the typical consumers in an economy buy a basket of simply 2 appurtenances; ice cream and candy bars. Past conducting surveys, nosotros detect out that on boilerplate every consumer buys 4 ice cream cones and eight processed confined. With this information, we can now fix our market handbasket to 4 ice cream cones and 8 candy bars.

2) Calculating the Basket'south Cost

Once the handbasket is fixed, the next step in computing the Consumer Price Alphabetize is to detect the current and previous prices of all goods and services. This allows united states to summate the price of the entire basket at any point in fourth dimension. The important matter to note here is that the market place basket remains fixed, i.east. neither goods or services nor their quantity changes. Hence, the only variable is cost, which allows us to isolate the effects of price changes over the years.

Revisiting our example, we now accept to find the prices of ice cream and candy bars. In 2017, an ice cream cone costs USD 2 and a candy bar sells at USD 1. Hence, the handbasket's cost adds up to USD xvi (4 ice cream cones 10 USD ii + 8 processed confined x USD i). Back in 2016, consumers only had to pay USD ane.ninety for an water ice foam cone and USD 0.80 for a candy bar, which results in a basket cost of USD xiv (4 water ice cream cones x USD i.xc + 8 candy bars x USD 0.8). Nosotros can already see that the price level has increased from 2016 to 2017.

3) Computing the Alphabetize

Next, to actually calculate the Consumer Price Index we demand to ascertain a base year. The base yr serves every bit the benchmark against which all other years are compared. Information technology can be designated freely, although for the sake of comparability it is common practice to proceed the same base yr for a few years before moving on to a new i. The globe banking company currently reports CPI data with the base year 2010.

The index is then calculated by dividing the price of the handbasket of appurtenances and services in a given year (t) past the cost of the same handbasket in the base twelvemonth (b). This ratio is and then multiplied by 100, which results in the Consumer Toll Index.

Formula to calculate Consumer Price Index

In the base year, CPI always adds up to 100. This becomes obvious if we wait at our example. To calculate CPI in 2016, we have to divide USD 14 by USD 14 and multiply the result by 100 (i.e. [fourteen/14]x100). Of course, the result is 100. Using the same formula, the CPI in 2017 is 114,3, i.e. (16/xiv)x100=114,3. Thus we can say that the Consumer Price Index has increased from 100 in 2016 to 114,3 in 2017.

4) Calculating the Inflation Rate

Lastly, the calculated CPI can exist used to compute the aggrandizement rate. More specifically, the inflation rate is the percentage change in the price alphabetize from one period to the preceding i. To summate it, nosotros can employ the following formula.

Formula to calculate Inflation Rate

In our example, the inflation rate in 2016 is 14,three% (i.eastward. ([114,3-100]/100)x100). Hence, with this formula, nosotros tin calculate the inflation rate for whatsoever given year every bit long as the CPI of that and the preceding yr is available.

In a Nutshell

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator that measures the average change in prices paid by consumers for goods and services over a set period of time. Information technology is widely used every bit a measure of inflation. Calculating Consumer Price Alphabetize (and the inflation rate) follows a four-step procedure: ane) Fixing the market basket, 2) calculating the basket'south price 3) computing the index four) computing the inflation rate.