Steam is an immensely pop game distribution service and gaming platform that connects gamers worldwide. However, it is more than than just an online shop for buying PC games. Steam is a identify where players tin can gather and grade communities. This is where the Steam ID has a role to play.

Steam ID is a unique identifier assigned to you when creating an account. It consists of 17 digits, and information technology works similar your account name, which besides means you can't alter it.

Finding your Steam ID can be a lilliputian catchy because it's non in the nearly obvious place. You lot can find it in several places inside the Steam app. Showtime, you simply take to recognize it. So we're going to show you how to detect your Steam ID.

What Is the Steam ID?

As the name suggests, Steam ID is an identifier. You can use it to link others to your profile. That way, they don't accept to search for you by name and coil through thousands of John Smiths. Additionally, you tin can utilise your Steam ID to link your Steam profile to third-political party applications.

That said, Steam IDs have other uses too. For example, you can check if a detail account is VAC banned. The Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC) supports more 100 popular games, including Phone call of Duty and Counter-Strike. This way, you can determine whether someone is a cheater before inviting them into your online community.

Where's Your Steam ID?

Follow the steps beneath to find your Steam ID:

i. Log in to your Steam app on a PC or Mac.

2. Go to your profile by clicking on your business relationship name and selecting Profile from the menu.

3. On the right side of your profile page, you lot'll find the Edit Profile push. Click on it.

4. On your profile folio, coil nether General and look at the URL nether the Custom URL section. You'll encounter 17 digits at the end of information technology.

Those 17 digits represent your Steam ID. This is where y'all'll e'er see your Steam ID fifty-fifty if you lot set a custom URL. You tin't edit the actual ID.

Alternatively, yous can go to your account page and detect your Steam ID there likewise.

ane. Click on your business relationship proper name in the top right corner of the app and select Account details from the bill of fare.

ii. At the top of the new page, you'll run across your Steam ID under your account user proper noun.

You can likewise notice your Steam ID on the iOS and Android mobile apps by navigating to your profile the same manner. The main problem is the barely visible gray font and the fact that it'due south and then subtly presented. It's piece of cake to miss.

For unknown reasons, Valve makes it somewhat irritating to observe something as key as your unique account identifier. Hopefully, we've fabricated it a fiddling easier for you lot.

Display the Steam URL Address Bar

If you need the Steam ID oft, you tin arrive permanently visible at the top of your profile folio. To do that, you commencement need to go to Steam's settings menu:

i. In the height-left corner, click on Steam > Settings.

two. Go to the Interface tab and cheque the box that says Display spider web address bars when available. Y'all'll start seeing a URL for almost every page on Steam.

3. Check your contour page at present. You'll find a green Steam URL at the top of the folio. Your Steam ID is at the terminate of the address.

Are you still having bug finding your Steam ID? Let us know in the comments, and we'll assistance y'all out!